Subject: Re: bikes
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Mar 08 2007 - 17:25:41 CST
> can you please make sure there is a warning shot before any bike
> ejections. loretta said she would get me a sticker several months ago
> after i move in, but never did. i will inquire for another. thanks.
Loretta is no longer with 1P. Joe Lara
Is now the go-to guy.
There are some bike issues that we will be addressing at the next meeting
in three months. There will be plenty of loud, explicit, and repeat
warning shots before any bikes are removed from the storage area. But,
we will have to do something by the summer, because there appear to be
a number of stickerless bikes hanging down there that haven't been used
for a very, very long.
Jim / 501
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