Re: Cleaning up after dogs

Subject: Re: Cleaning up after dogs
From: Dawn Madon (
Date: Wed Mar 28 2007 - 14:28:43 CST

Wow - I have to say that I usually just read these and move on but I have to admit that I don't feel that Jim's e-mail was out of line or meant to harsh out on dog owners. It seemed to me that it was a simple reminder about cleaning up after your dog(s) and to be frank I have noticed, both today and yesterday, dog poop right outside of the back door on the cement which was not picked up. Was that your dog? Maybe not - but it is an issue that needs to be addressed.
  If there are other issues about people entering the building that are not residents, I am confident that those too will be addressed and handled. Lets just all try to understand that all issues must be addressed and that there are 100 units in our building so it is hard to not lump everyone in to broadcast e-mails.

michael mccarthy <> wrote:
As a dog owner you can not lump us all into one
category. I know for a fact my wife and I pick up
after our dog.

Since the neighborhood is becoming more crowded and
diverse, I have noticed others not from Van Guard,
walking their dogs. It is uncontrollable for me as a
dog owner to tell my dog were and when to use the
bathroom, let alone other dog owners.

If dog owners do not pick up after their dog behind
the back door that sad. Yet if owners allow their
dogs to use the strips of grass between the sidewalk
and the street, well that is owned by the city and
then becomes a city issue.

I think all we can do is be respectful and worry less
about the dogs and more about the fact that
individuals that do not belong in the building are
some how entering our building so they can sit in the
vestibule. There have been many times I had to remove
individuals from our vestibule who clearly do not live
in the building. After all, didn't we pay money to
make the building more secure?

Maybe we should even send emails to the police
recruits that park illegally, dump their trash and
hang out on our steps.


--- Jim Thomas wrote:

> There have been some complaints about not picking up
> after dogs or
> allowing dogs to use the area by the back door as
> their own out-house.
> A reminder: City ordinances are explicit (see the
> Vanguard homepage
> at for some of the
> ordinances that guide
> our rules), and our own rules are explicit.
> Remember, it's not just a courtesy to the rest of us
> to clean up after
> a dog; it's an offense that risks a fine.
> So, please clean up after your dogs.
> (A question also arose: What if a dog walker hired
> by an own and not the
> actual owner fails to clean up? It's the own who
> still takes the heat,
> so make sure your walkers know the rules)
> Jim / 501
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching
> Professor (emeritus)
> Department of Sociology, Northern
> Illinois University
> /

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