Subject: Re: Cleaning up after dogs
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Mar 28 2007 - 17:19:07 CST
Michael writes:
> As a dog owner you can not lump us all into one
> category. I know for a fact my wife and I pick up after our dog.
My post wasn't directed at any specific person. It was a reminder that,
as a small community, we should respect others in the community. If we
knew who was less than respectful of others, we could go to those people
directly. Dogs do what they do where they do it. All owners have to do
is pick up after them. A few don't. They should. If they did, a reminder
wouldn't be necessary.
> If dog owners do not pick up after their dog behind
> the back door that sad. Yet if owners allow their
> dogs to use the strips of grass between the sidewalk
> and the street, well that is owned by the city and
> then becomes a city issue.
This has come up in the past: The Association is responsible for
maintaining that strip and incurs the costs and responsibilities for
most of the maintenance. Both the irresponsible dog owner *and* the
Association are at risk should it become a city issue.
> I think all we can do is be respectful and worry less
> about the dogs and more about the fact that
> individuals that do not belong in the building are
> some how entering our building so they can sit in the
> vestibule. There have been many times I had to remove
> individuals from our vestibule who clearly do not live
> in the building.
If you see this, then you should notify either the police or the Board.
Sometimes, real estate agents will sit while waiting for clients, and this
is generally acceptable. Loiters or those waiting for a bus should be
immediately removed. This has little to do with dogs.
> After all, didn't we pay money to make the building more secure?
If unauthorized people are getting into the building, it means that
somebody is letting them in. No security system can prevent this.
> Maybe we should even send emails to the police recruits that park
> illegally,
If they park illegaly on our property, we can respond and will respond.
If you find them parking illegally on our property or blocking access
to the parking lots, you should notify the Board and we will respond.
Be sure to document it with the time, date, and a description of the
car, including license plate.
> dump their trash and hang out on our steps.
If you see police recruits littering on our property, please document it.
It's unclear why police recruits hang out on our steps, but if you see it
and they appear to have no purpose, document it, unless they--like
others--are waiting for a bus at the bus stop.
When residents bring a complaint to the Board, the Board tries to be
responsive. If you wish to bring any of your concerns to the Board,
you are encouraged to document the incidents and bring them forward.
Jim / 501
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