Re: Heating & Cooling Professional

Subject: Re: Heating & Cooling Professional
From: Kerry Judd (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2007 - 08:40:43 CDT

Hi Derek,
  Thanks for your response.
  I am moving! That is what preempted my furnace cleaning. It is stipulated in the contract based on recommendation of the inspector.
  I think you're supposed to get it cleaned once per year. But I have been in my place for 4.5 years and have never had it cleaned (oops!).

Derek Lane <> wrote:
  Hey Kerry,

As a side note how often are you supposed to get your furnace cleaned? Did something happen first with yours first?

I will try and find a recommendation from Joe our property guy.

Talk to you later

Kerry Judd wrote:
I need to get my furnace cleaned. Does anyone recommend a certain company or licensed individual for this?



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