Re: Heating & Cooling Professional

Subject: Re: Heating & Cooling Professional
Date: Thu Apr 19 2007 - 16:23:53 CDT


There is no code. The roof door is on the access control system. You can
make arrangements with First Properties to gain access to the roof. If
you have an HVAC contractor coming out, you will need to provide all the
information (Company Name, Phone, License Number, etc.) and proof of
insurance. Refer to page 7 of the Access Control System - Owners Guide.

The roof door is a secure entrance. This door is equipped with the
• Card reader
• Electric strike lock
• Alarm contact sensors
This door is connected to a silent alarm and a 24 hour monitoring service.
Access to the roof will be granted with clearance from the Condo
Association Board of Directors and the Property Management.
If the door is opened without the use of a key fob, an alarm will be
triggered and the proper authorities will be notified.

Best regards,
- Chris

"Jeremy Butterfield" <>
Sent by:
04/19/2007 04:12 PM
Please respond to


Re: Heating & Cooling Professional


anyone help me with the protocol for getting the HVAC guy rooftop access?
can i just be given the code for the door?


Jeremy Butterfield
From: Jim Thomas <>
Subject: Re: Heating &Cooling Professional
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 12:06:53 -0500 (CDT)

>I need to get my furnace cleaned. Does anyone recommend a certain
>company or licensed individual for this?

Sad to see you go, Kerry; You've been a darn good neighbor!

In answer to your (and Derek's) question: We've had no problems with our
furnace since we moved in (July '99). But, we get the furance and AC
checked about once every two years. We use the company that installed it
Sun Ray
(708) 481-9150

I think they're out of Matteson. They're reasonable and prompt.


Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University /

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