Dogs, surveillance, and such

Subject: Dogs, surveillance, and such
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Apr 26 2007 - 13:53:14 CDT

Some updates and reminders on a few things:

We've had increasing complaints about the dog mess, not just on the
parkway by the sidewalk, but in the back parking lot areas. Dogs do
what they do, but dog owners should take responsibility for cleaning up
after our little friends. The dog issue is in everybody's interests:
If you're selling your unit, or when you have friends over, or when you're
just out walking, dog residue doesn't give a good first impression. The
situation has become bad enough that Julio will be putting in extra hours
each week to clean it up. This comes out of Association budget.

The pedestrian gate on Throop is now open, so the front lobby is again
off-limits. The swing gate on Throop will be re-opened after
this weekend, once the concrete has cured.

The video security system has been upgraded and is now up and running.
First Properties and the Board will be monitoring the front lobby
and rear door for people violating the dog policy or not cleaning up
after dogs in the back. Remember: There's a fine for allowing dogs in
the front lobby or for failing to clean up after your dog. And, the
video security cameras record it.

All residents can access the monitoring system by:
  1) turning off the satellite receiver (to get normal tv)
  2) turning to channels 12, 14, and 16 to see what's going on around
     the premises

If somebody buzzes you from the front west entrance, you can check the
video system to see who it is.

The Board's responsibilities include protecting everybody's rather
substantial investment in their unit. Violators hurt us all, so let's
work together on this.

Jim / Board sec'y

        Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
           Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University /

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