Subject: Re: CORRECTION: Re: Dogs, surveillance, and such
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Thu Apr 26 2007 - 20:52:36 CDT
i agree totally with Dom. I am too am a dog owner and know that most of us are totally responsible. Dont forget that people that dont live in this building walk their dogs over here too.
I agree with Dom that we do a lot of talking and not a lot of action. these emails about the dogs and the cars are totally useless since I never see any action taken for anything.
Its enough already.
Dom Shurba <> wrote:
As a dog owner, I thinks its time to go after the individuals who do these
things. I know a lot of the dog owners in this building, and none of us
poop in the grass, alley, or by the back door. We also would never leave
anything not picked up. I think there are one or two people responsible for
this, and they don't read emails or care. Blanket emails complaining to all
of us responsible dog owners isn't going to help anything. Do you think the
people who leave a steaming pile of crap in the parkway don't know they're
not supposed to. They don't care! You can put up signs and emails until
you're blue in the face. Everyone needs to keep an eye out and confront
this person or people.
>From: "Michael Peterman"
>Subject: Re: CORRECTION: Re: Dogs, surveillance, and such
>Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 15:22:00 -0500
>Jim -
>Can we also put a ban on throwing the used dog clean-up bags in the freight
>elevator lobby garbage can? These should be put in the outside dumpsters
>only. I don't want to even walk through there lately. The stench is
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