Re: CORRECTION: Re: Dogs, surveillance, and such

Subject: Re: CORRECTION: Re: Dogs, surveillance, and such
Date: Fri Apr 27 2007 - 10:43:06 CDT


The emails sent to this discussion group are to help facilitate
communication between residents and owners. Communication has always been
an issue and many of us are actively working to remediate the problems. To
improve the communication between the board of directors and the residents
in the building, members of the board will often post information for
general consumption. The board formally does not subscribe to the
discussion group because it is not moderated and not everyone subscribes.
It is used as an informal channel of communication and will always be
treated as such.

The board of directors has setup a website and email addresses for all
residents to use as a formal communication channel. Website and email
addresses are now posted in the building on the bulletin boards in the
front and rear of the building.

Our property managers contact information is also posted. All
communication to the property management is relayed to the board. This is
yet another formal line of communication to the Board of Directors.

First Properties
760 N Ogden Suite 2200
Chicago, IL 60622
(312) 829-8900 - Phone
(312) 829-8950 - Fax
(773) 854-9434 - Emergency Line

Joseph Lara -
(312) 829-8900 x 16

I encourage all residents to use the proper formal communication channels
to contact the board and property management.

In regards to the dog problems, the majority of the dog owners in our
building are responsible individuals. There are a select few residents in
the building that do not act as responsible pet owners and create the
majority of the problems. Yes, it is true that other people in the area
do walk their dogs around our building, but again the majority of the
problems come from Vangaurd Lofts. In the immediate vicinity, there are
only a few buildings that could potentially contribute to this problem.
Very few pet owners will travel more than a block or two when walking
their dog.

From time to time you will see friendly reminders to pick up after your
dog, adhere to the visitor parking rules, etc. These are information
bulletins being posted to help everyone.

A statement was recently made on the discussion forum that action is not
being take. A resident said, "these emails about the dogs and the cars
are totally useless since I never see any action taken for anything."

The Board of Directors is being proactive about the dog problem and the
visitor parking problems. Visitor parking spaces are actively being
monitor and cars are being towed. At the last board meeting a resident
went before the board to discuss a violation of the visitor parking rules
and regulations. The Board of Directors and Property Management are now
actively monitoring the security cameras to seek out residents violating
the pet rules and regulations. If anyone knows of a problem, it is your
responsibility as a resident to report it. Reports can be submitted in
written or electronic format to the Board of Directors and/or Property
Management. With the new video security system in place, it is now
possible to recall video surveillance on any time and date.

I encourage all residents of Vanguard Lofts to attend the quarterly board
meetings, and most importantly report all problems. Formal complaints
need to be filed in order for the Board of Directors to issue fines.
Posting general gripes to the discussion forum does not solve the problem.
 If someone truly has a complaint, all the proper components are in place
for a resident to report the violation so the Board of Directors can issue

I would like to personally thank the responsible dog owners in the
building that go above and beyond the call of "duty" when walking their
dogs. I appreciate your efforts.

Best regards,

Robin Raffel <>
Sent by:
04/26/2007 08:52 PM
Please respond to


Re: CORRECTION: Re: Dogs, surveillance, and such

i agree totally with Dom. I am too am a dog owner and know that most of us
are totally responsible. Dont forget that people that dont live in this
building walk their dogs over here too.
  I agree with Dom that we do a lot of talking and not a lot of action.
these emails about the dogs and the cars are totally useless since I never
see any action taken for anything.
  Its enough already.

Dom Shurba <> wrote:
As a dog owner, I thinks its time to go after the individuals who do these

things. I know a lot of the dog owners in this building, and none of us
poop in the grass, alley, or by the back door. We also would never leave
anything not picked up. I think there are one or two people responsible
this, and they don't read emails or care. Blanket emails complaining to
of us responsible dog owners isn't going to help anything. Do you think
people who leave a steaming pile of crap in the parkway don't know they're

not supposed to. They don't care! You can put up signs and emails until
you're blue in the face. Everyone needs to keep an eye out and confront
this person or people.


>From: "Michael Peterman"
>Subject: Re: CORRECTION: Re: Dogs, surveillance, and such
>Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 15:22:00 -0500
>Jim -
>Can we also put a ban on throwing the used dog clean-up bags in the
>elevator lobby garbage can? These should be put in the outside dumpsters
>only. I don't want to even walk through there lately. The stench is

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