Re: Follow-up on dogs, good for the Board!

Subject: Re: Follow-up on dogs, good for the Board!
From: Michael Kolar (
Date: Sun Apr 29 2007 - 10:58:57 CDT

Dear Residents,

   I feel that the pictures were a fine idea. I was
recently doing something that was irritating to some
of the residents of the building (Not pet related), so
when the new 1P rep contacted me saying that I was
going to be fined, before receiving a warning ( which
he later dropped, in favor of just a warning) I would
have been much happier with a photo, instead of money
out of my pocket. We serve at the will & pleasure of
the board until a new one is elected. This is a
community & my community smells like feces. The
photos show the board is serious on a issue that has
been LONG ongoing & am glad that they are taking there
time to watch the cameras, I would not want to, and
that is why they ran for the board. If the people who
did not like the idea, then run for the board.
Otherwise let the properly elected people do what they
think is best for the community.

Food for thought,
Michael Kolar
APT 208
--- wrote:

> If residents would just come to the board meetings
> and talk with the board
> members and property management. All these items
> are discussed at each
> meeting:
> - pending litigation
> - USA Dish contract
> - real estate tax appeals
> - security measures
> - litter thrown onto the street
> - broken elevators
> - and a whole array of issues that receive the
> "full" attention of the
> board members and property management
> The last board meeting had around 12 people present.
> 5 of those people
> were board members and one was the property manager.
> But this is nothing
> new, board meetings have had poor attendance for
> many years. It's a shame
> that more residents don't take the time to get
> involved in the community
> in which they live.
> FYI... the next board meeting is scheduled for June
> 13. I encourage
> everyone to attend.
> - Chris
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