Subject: Re: Lawn and Garden Tools
From: Kimberly Hatch (
Date: Sun Apr 29 2007 - 11:47:47 CDT
I know first hand the pains and frustrations of serving on the board. You all are doing a good job. While all of your decisions will not make everyone happy, it is important to keep in mind that you were elected. The board meetings are the appropriate venue for residents to express their concerns. Absent that, the board is forced to make the best decisions based on the available information at the time.
Having said that, and now speaking from the other side, I also know even the most well-intentioned resident can sometimes find making the meetings a challenge. The demands of work, family and other obligations always seem to get in the way.
But we must realize we are a community within a community. We are members of the West Loop but more importantly we are neighbors of the Vanguard. We all probably could practice being as bit more neighborly.
PS The parkways look great, Chris. I, like I'm sure many others, appreciate you and the board's efforts. Perhaps it is time for a get to know you. The weather is getting nicer and in the past, it was always a good turnout and time. wrote:
Today was so beautiful outside that I decided to drive down to the new
Home Depot off Roosevelt and do some shopping. I picked up a couple yard
rakes, a shovel, some work gloves, and a spray nozzle for the hose. When
I got home I cleaned up the parkways on Van Buren and Throop, all the way
to Jackson.
I picked up ALL pet waste, and as much trash as I could possibly get. (It
was kinda windy this afternoon.) The parkways are now clear of dog poop,
cigarette butts, q-tips, proctology gloves, parking tickets, used condoms,
and anything else that I could find. It took me about 2 hours, but I
think it was time well spent. As of 6:00pm there is no pet waste anywhere
to be found. This should provide a good starting point to help Julio in
regular maintenance of the lawn.
I am donating my new yard tools to the Association. I'm going to make
arrangements to keep the tools on site and available for anyone that would
like to contribute their time to helping keep Vanguard Lofts clean. Just
contact the Board of Directors or Property Management if you'd like to use
the tools.
I didn't have time to water the lawn this afternoon, but I'll try to make
time to water it either tomorrow or later this week. My arms are tired
from all the raking.
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend and is able to get outside and
enjoy the wonderful spring weather!
Best regards,
- Chris
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