Watering Parkways and Trash Pickup

Subject: Watering Parkways and Trash Pickup
From: christian.a.lattimer@jpmchase.com
Date: Sun Apr 29 2007 - 14:50:55 CDT

First off, thanks for all the positive feedback.

I spent two (2) hours this morning watering the parkways on Van Buren and
Throop. I also did a spot check inspection and cleaned up the few pieces
of trash that were scattered about. We live on a windy corner and trash
does get blown in from around the neighborhood.

I also washed down the front steps, and gave the walls of the building a
good spray to clean off any pet waste. We have a few stains on the
concrete in several places. The board is looking into the purchase of a
pressure washer to clean these spots.

As of 2:00pm I'm happy to report the parkways are still clean today. I'll
continue to do spot checks on my way home from work this week. Thanks to
everyone who stopped by to say hi as I was watering the grass. Many
people mentioned they were interested in getting involved and wanted to
assist in the clean up efforts to make Vanguard Lofts a nice place to

If anyone is interested in volunteering their time to clean up the
parkways or water the grass, we have all the tools necessary. Just
contact one of the board members or property management and we'll be happy
to assist.

Best regards,
- Chris

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