Subject: RE: Lawn and Garden Tools
From: Dom Shurba (
Date: Mon Apr 30 2007 - 11:23:53 CDT
Is there a push broom with those tools? After the garbage men come they
leave a debris field in the back. I hate walking my pet through all of the
broken glass and rotten food or garbage. I would gladly take five minutes a
day and sweep that stuff by the dumpsters.
Dom 612
>Subject: Lawn and Garden Tools
>Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 18:09:14 -0500
>Today was so beautiful outside that I decided to drive down to the new
>Home Depot off Roosevelt and do some shopping. I picked up a couple yard
>rakes, a shovel, some work gloves, and a spray nozzle for the hose. When
>I got home I cleaned up the parkways on Van Buren and Throop, all the way
>to Jackson.
>I picked up ALL pet waste, and as much trash as I could possibly get. (It
>was kinda windy this afternoon.) The parkways are now clear of dog poop,
>cigarette butts, q-tips, proctology gloves, parking tickets, used condoms,
>and anything else that I could find. It took me about 2 hours, but I
>think it was time well spent. As of 6:00pm there is no pet waste anywhere
>to be found. This should provide a good starting point to help Julio in
>regular maintenance of the lawn.
>I am donating my new yard tools to the Association. I'm going to make
>arrangements to keep the tools on site and available for anyone that would
>like to contribute their time to helping keep Vanguard Lofts clean. Just
>contact the Board of Directors or Property Management if you'd like to use
>the tools.
>I didn't have time to water the lawn this afternoon, but I'll try to make
>time to water it either tomorrow or later this week. My arms are tired
>from all the raking.
>I hope everyone is having a nice weekend and is able to get outside and
>enjoy the wonderful spring weather!
>Best regards,
>- Chris
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