RE: Lawn and Garden Tools

Subject: RE: Lawn and Garden Tools
Date: Tue May 01 2007 - 11:43:09 CDT

Dom (and others),

We do have a push broom on site. Right now all the Association tools are
stored in the Electric Room. The Board of Directors, Maintenance, and
Property Management are the only people with access to the Electric Room.
I'm working on putting a system in place to allow residents to gain access
to the tools at will. It will probably be a few weeks before we have the
appropriate system in place, so until then just contact the Board or
Property Management and we will assist.

My hopes are to have a community storage area available for residents who
wish to volunteer their time. Residents will simply request access to the
tools and the Board or Property Management will grant access to the
community storage area. This would allow residents to obtain the tools at
any time without having to make prior arrangements.

So far we have the following tools available:
- 24" rake (2)
- 10" rake (1)
- square point shovel (1)
- push broom (1)
- hose spray nozzle (1)
- 50' garden hose (1)

If anyone would like to request or donate items to the community tools,
please send me an email. I will work with the Board of Directors to make
the tools accessible to those interested.

Best regards,
- Chris

"Dom Shurba" <>
Sent by:
04/30/2007 11:23 AM
Please respond to

RE: Lawn and Garden Tools

Is there a push broom with those tools? After the garbage men come they
leave a debris field in the back. I hate walking my pet through all of
broken glass and rotten food or garbage. I would gladly take five minutes
day and sweep that stuff by the dumpsters.
Dom 612

>Subject: Lawn and Garden Tools
>Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 18:09:14 -0500
>Today was so beautiful outside that I decided to drive down to the new
>Home Depot off Roosevelt and do some shopping. I picked up a couple yard
>rakes, a shovel, some work gloves, and a spray nozzle for the hose. When
>I got home I cleaned up the parkways on Van Buren and Throop, all the way
>to Jackson.
>I picked up ALL pet waste, and as much trash as I could possibly get. (It
>was kinda windy this afternoon.) The parkways are now clear of dog poop,
>cigarette butts, q-tips, proctology gloves, parking tickets, used
>and anything else that I could find. It took me about 2 hours, but I
>think it was time well spent. As of 6:00pm there is no pet waste
>to be found. This should provide a good starting point to help Julio in
>regular maintenance of the lawn.
>I am donating my new yard tools to the Association. I'm going to make
>arrangements to keep the tools on site and available for anyone that
>like to contribute their time to helping keep Vanguard Lofts clean. Just
>contact the Board of Directors or Property Management if you'd like to
>the tools.
>I didn't have time to water the lawn this afternoon, but I'll try to make
>time to water it either tomorrow or later this week. My arms are tired
>from all the raking.
>I hope everyone is having a nice weekend and is able to get outside and
>enjoy the wonderful spring weather!
>Best regards,
>- Chris
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