Subject: Re: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion
From: Michael Peterman (
Date: Wed May 30 2007 - 19:32:19 CDT
Just like all-temp, each of us would have to pay the 'service call'
charge. It seems neither company wishes to offer us a break on the
On 5/30/07, Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> Michael, do you know if that $75 for showing up would be a single charge
> for all of us and spread around, or if it's $75 for each? Will he do
> the single showing-up fee to help us cut costs?
> Jim
> > is licensed and insured in Chicago, and is somewhat familiar with the
> units
> > on our roof. Robert could not do anything in the way of group discounts
> > either. He has a $75 flat rate just for showing up. All-temp has a $95
> > rate just for comparison. A typical A/C recharge will run approximately
> > $125, not including the $75. That number is based on 5-6lbs of Freon @
> > $25/lb. Robert stressed this is highly dependent on your proximity to the
> > roof and the amount of Freon your unit will require. If you live on the
> > first floor, you will need more Freon since the pipes have a much longer
> run
> > than the units on the 7th floor, for example.
> > Let me preface the next paragraph by stating that I am in no way, shape,
> or
> > form qualified in the field of HVAC. I am not responsible for the
> accuracy
> > of the following statements. Use them at your own risk.
> >
> > A/C units in the perfect world, should not need recharging. They need
> > recharging when the Freon leaks out of various connections or valves,
> either
> > naturally, or due to a component failure, pipe failure, etc. Robert
> noticed
> > on Dave's unit that the Pressure Relief Valve was leaking. This valve is
> > required by the City of Chicago on all A/C units for safety. According to
> > him, 75% of leaking A/C cases he has dealt with are due to failure of this
> > valve. It is a common failure point in other words. I mention this only
> > because Dave and another resident had an issue with this valve. It also
> may
> > explain why some of you had recharged your A/C the previous year only to
> > have to do it again the following year.
> >
> > So if you decide to go on your own, you may want to ask the serviceman to
> > check this valve.
> >
> >
> > I have one other pending quote from a referred A/C repair company. I
> will
> > contact All-Temp again tomorrow if my call is not returned.
> >
> > Michael
> > 304
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
> Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
> /
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