Re: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion

Subject: Re: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed May 30 2007 - 22:31:03 CDT

> Just like all-temp, each of us would have to pay the 'service call'
> charge. It seems neither company wishes to offer us a break on the
> price

Bummer. Maybe we should try negotiating or bargaining---if we have
20 or so people, that's $3K - if they can't cut is slack, then maybe
we can bargain with SunRay - my guess is that they have the proper
insurance, but just haven't registered properly with 1P.

On principle, if a company can't cut us some slack on a service call
when they're making one for multiple people, they're not somebody we can

Jim / 501

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