Re: A/C Appointments starting Tuesday

Subject: Re: A/C Appointments starting Tuesday
From: elizabeth forman (
Date: Sun Jun 03 2007 - 19:49:25 CDT

Thanks Jim. I want my air fixed as soon as everyone else-I'm dying!-it's just that my co. is cheaper. I will contact Joe about it tomarrow but I made an appt. with Sun Ray anyway.

Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> Jim, is Sun Ray the only co. allowed roof acess or can I use a repair
> co. of my choice?

Liz, Michael's last post pretty much explained it. We're moving
ahead with SunRay because they were willing to come out sooner and were
responsive both on phone and email, and if they have advance notice,
they're willing to commit to getting us service this week. It's supposed
to hit 90 toward the end of the week.

You can use any legitimate HVAC company of your choice as long as they
have a certificate of insurance on file with First Properties. There
aren't any form procedures for streamlining this because we haven't this
kind of a rush for service in the past. I think that at the moment there
are only two HVAC companies with their paperwork on file at 1P.

What might work is that we post on the Association homepage the names of
companies and their phone numbers so people can just go to the page and
select one of their choice.

If you have a company in mind, you might ask them to contact Joe Lara
at 1P: (312) 829-8900 ext. 16,
Or email:

Then the company can fax him the certificate, he can keep it on file, and
we can add it to the list of eligible HVAC companies for the homepage.

Hope this helps a bit.


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