Re: Key Fob

Subject: Re: Key Fob
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Jun 09 2007 - 10:54:53 CDT

Annette wrote:

> I apologize for sending this out to the group,
> however, I do not have individual contact information.
> Anyway, we have tried to contact Loretta 3 times this
> week to get a new key fob and have not received a
> response. Can you please let us know how we can
> obtain a key fob quickly and who we need to contact in
> the future who will provide us with a timely response.

Annette, Loretta left First Properties in early Winter. The person to
contact info:

760 N. Ogden Ave. Suite 2200
Chicago, IL 60622
312.829.8900 ext. 16,
email: jlara@condomanagementcom


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