RE: Vanguard Lofts - Visitor Parking - Remove ALL Vehicles by Noon Today! (7/6/2007)

Subject: RE: Vanguard Lofts - Visitor Parking - Remove ALL Vehicles by Noon Today! (7/6/2007)
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Jul 07 2007 - 00:10:55 CDT

> Is this the new form of owner communication?

No, it's hardly new.
Over the past year, the current board as urged people to sign on the
listserv. Unlike previous boards that seemed to value silence more than
communication, we have urged people with leaflets under the doors,
notes on the bulletin boards, and verbally, to sign on.
> I think the board is assuming
> that everyone has email, or that everyone checks their emails frequently, or
> reads it on vacation.

If you're referring to the no-parking issue:

1) Nearly as many people today have email as telephones

2) If people want to know what's going on, they have the obligation
to check the forums where it occurs

3) If people are on vacation, which are they more likely to see:
Email or a note on the bulletin board?

4) If people are on vacation, neither they nor their guests should
be parking in the guest spaces

5) The original Board passed the rule that parking in the visitors
spaces is limited to 24 hours. Beyond that, owners must notify
First Properties. If people haven't complied with the rule passed by
the original Board and park for longer than 24 hours without notifying
1P, then likely no form of communication will suffice

6) The guest parking areas were blocked off with milk crates to prevent
parking. Somebody moved the crates and parked anyway. Sometimes,
no form of communication works.

If you have a better way of communicating rapidly with residents at
the last minute, we'd love to hear it.


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