Subject: RE: Vanguard Lofts - Visitor Parking - Remove ALL Vehicles by Noon Today! (7/6/2007)
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Jul 07 2007 - 23:52:19 CDT
Sorry this is long, but the distortions and inaccuracies below can't
go without correction:
> Ouch! (previous boards preferring silence?... don't think you can speak of
> their preference if you weren't a board member at the time).
I'll let others with a sense of irony reflect on the absurdity of the
above that makes the point. (hint: If only board members know what
board members think, that suggests that what they think is closed
to outsiders). Irony aside, Debra has a rather short memory. She seems to
have forgotten how the lack of communication between the original board
and residents created some hostility in those early years. She also
seems to have forgotten how one board member argued vehemently against
board members communicating with residents. I can likely even dig up
an email from him arguing the point.
> I have no problem with receiving email
> notifications... just not last minute...on a regular basis. The email below
> was sent out to "All" at 9 something a.m. on 7/6 to ask people to move a
> vehicle by Noon of that same day.
Debra seems to miss a few points.
The first email alerting residents that the guests spots would be closed
went out Weds, July 4. On Friday morning, there were no cars in the
visitors spaces. No-parking indicators were put up. Somebody removed the
no-parking indicators and parked in a guest spot anyway.
The note Debra cites above as "last minute" was a note sent Friday morning
in an urgent attempt to find the owners of cars who parked in the guest
spots despite no-parking indicators being placed in those spots. The
reason it was sent on Friday is because that's when somebody parked
there. The note obviously couldn't have been sent PRIOR to the
people parking there, now, could it?
> I don't have time and can't check personal email at work. I
> wouldn't have time to check it once let alone every three hours to see
> if I received an email from the Vanguard Board. I guess that just
> leaves me uninformed, that's not always a bad thing.
If Debra is acknowledging that she was the one who removed the no-parking
indicators and parked in the guest spot, then her embarrassment is
understandable. If she is not, then it's not clear what her concern is.
From the top:
1) The guest parking spaces were closed for about 24 hours. This was
announced announced on the listserv on Weds.
2) No cars were in those spots Friday morning when no-parking indicators
were put in place in the three guest spots
3) somebody removed the no-parking indicators after they were in place
and parked there anybody.
4) A note was sent to the e-list to try to get the cars moved so gravel
could be dumped there. Simultaneously, Joe Lara tried to track down
the owners on-site. He did.
What's the problem?
Jim / 501
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