RE: Rules passed and in effect

Subject: RE: Rules passed and in effect
From: vinaya verghese (
Date: Fri Aug 03 2007 - 09:56:14 CDT

Rick,Thank you
for bringing up unit 715 garbage disposal techniques or lack thereof. I took
photographs of Unit 715 leaving garbage lying outside their door in the hallway
and I plan on sharing these pictures with the board so they can respond in the
appropriate manner. I felt
compelled to take these pictures today because this is NOT the first time this
has happened. It keeps happening over and over again, and it is even more
embarrassing for my guests who have seen this visual and odorous masterpiece
left by our neighbor in Unit 715.

I think
this is inappropriate behavior and really disgusting to leave open garbage in
the public hallway.

Thank you,

Vinaya -

> From:> To:> Subject: RE: Rules passed and in effect> Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 23:32:45 -0500> > > I am glad I just got this. The people in unit 715 right outside the door leading from the elevator and stairway have left garbage outside theirdoor yet again. This probably the 6 or 7th time this has happened in the last 3 months and the 3rd time in the last 3 weeks. Not only is the bag in the hallway but it is not tied. It is OPEN waiting for roaches to climb in. This is a disgrace.Something needs to be done.PS...Thanx for cleaning the hallway carpets.PSS...The plants chosen for the side garden were never going to work. You should plant chicks and hens which are perennial and survive in dry soil.Rick Di Maiounit 703> Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 23:12:48 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: Rules passed and in effect> > > For those who couldn't make the July 25 meeting at which we discussed> the rules changes, here
 is the final version passed after soliciting> input and receiving suggestions at the meeting:> > http://1250westva!>> > The rules are now in effect, so PLEASE read them.> > The most important for immediate concern:> > 1) Guest parking will be strictly enforced - guest spots ARE NOT for> owner use. They are for guests, and long term parking (24 hours or> more) by guests require owners to notify either First Properties or> the Board.> > 2) No charcoal/open-fires on balconies. This is a city ordinance.> > 3) NO DOGS in the front lobby. For reasons explained ad nauseam in the> past, the front lobby area is a dog-free zone.> > 4) NO BIKES out the front door, also for reasons explained ad nauseam> in the past. Take bikes out the back door.> > 5) DO NOT prop open either the front doors or the back doors. It sets> of alters. Don't use the mats or the flower pots to prop them open.> > 6) Moves in or out require that First Properties be notified> > 7) Be courteous
and don't make noise that will both neighbors, don't> throw limes from margueritas off t!> he balconies, don't let dogs defecate> or urinate on balconies, and do> n't have keggers late at night> > 8) If your pet as an "accident" inside the building or by the back> door, that happens. Just clean it up.> > There are other issues, of course, but these are some that have occured> in the very recent past that have caused problems.> > Note the fine/penalty structure associated the various rules.> > The Board is trying to balance the concerns of all residents, and not> everybody will be pleased, but we're trying to develop a community of> shared responsibility where rules and their enforcement aren't needed.> > Jim / Board Secretary> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)> Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University> /> > ____________________________________________________
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