RE: Rules passed and in effect

Subject: RE: Rules passed and in effect
Date: Fri Aug 03 2007 - 10:52:19 CDT


Thanks for the email. The condo board will be investigating the problem
with garbage left outside unit doors on the 7th floor. Please feel free
to report any problems to the condo board by sending an email to

Yes, the carpets look very nice. We're going to add carpet cleaning to
the annual building maintenance schedule. We'd like to get the carpets
cleaned at least twice a year to keep up with the heave traffic in the
building. It doesn't take long for the carpets to get dirty.

In regards to the plants used in the "side garden" I'm going to assume you
are referring to the plants in the parkways in front of the parking
garage. All the plants are perennials and were chosen specifically for
the soil and weather conditions. If you look around, the same plants are
used across the street. The problem isn't the dry soil condition... the
soil was actually in good shape, and we added several cubic feet of new
top soil to help the plants get a good start. The real problem is the
constant dog urination on the plants. Dog urine has a very high nitrogen
content, and tends to have a high ph level as well. With the large volume
of dogs urinating on the plants, it doesn't take long before the plants
die. Our hopes were that dog owners would make a conscious effort to keep
the dogs off the plants and use the stone areas. The good news is the
plants are relatively inexpensive and easy to replace.

Thanks again for the feedback.
- Chris

Rick DiMaio <>
Sent by:
08/02/2007 11:32 PM
Please respond to


RE: Rules passed and in effect

I am glad I just got this. The people in unit 715 right outside the door
leading from the elevator and stairway have left garbage outside theirdoor
yet again. This probably the 6 or 7th time this has happened in the last 3
months and the 3rd time in the last 3 weeks. Not only is the bag in the
hallway but it is not tied. It is OPEN waiting for roaches to climb in.
This is a disgrace.Something needs to be done.PS...Thanx for cleaning the
hallway carpets.PSS...The plants chosen for the side garden were never
going to work. You should plant chicks and hens which are perennial and
survive in dry soil.Rick Di Maiounit 703> Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 23:12:48
-0500> From:> To:>
Subject: Rules passed and in effect> > > For those who couldn't make the
July 25 meeting at which we discussed> the rules changes, here is the
final version passed after soliciting> input and receiving suggestions at
the meeting:> >> > The
rules are now in effect, so PLEASE read them.> > The most important for
immediate concern:> > 1) Guest parking will be strictly enforced - guest
spots ARE NOT for> owner use. They are for guests, and long term parking
(24 hours or> more) by guests require owners to notify either First
Properties or> the Board.> > 2) No charcoal/open-fires on balconies. This
is a city ordinance.> > 3) NO DOGS in the front lobby. For reasons
explained ad nauseam in the> past, the front lobby area is a dog-free
zone.> > 4) NO BIKES out the front door, also for reasons explained ad
nauseam> in the past. Take bikes out the back door.> > 5) DO NOT prop open
either the front doors or the back doors. It sets> of alters. Don't use
the mats or the flower pots to prop them open.> > 6) Moves in or out
require that First Properties be notified> > 7) Be courteous and don't
make noise that will both neighbors, don't> throw limes from margueritas
off the balconies, don't let dogs defecate> or urinate on balconies, and
don't have keggers late at night> > 8) If your pet as an "accident" inside
the building or by the back> door, that happens. Just clean it up.> >
There are other issues, of course, but these are some that have occured>
in the very recent past that have caused problems.> > Note the
fine/penalty structure associated the various rules.> > The Board is
trying to balance the concerns of all residents, and not> everybody will
be pleased, but we're trying to develop a community of> shared
responsibility where rules and their enforcement aren't needed.> > Jim /
Board Secretary> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Jim Thomas / NIU
Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)> Department of
Sociology, Northern Illinois University>
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