Subject: Re: Rules passed and in effect
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Fri Aug 03 2007 - 13:02:21 CDT
> is there a way to get this information (or at least the highlights) out
> to everyone in the building? i am thinking of renters who may not know
> about some of these rules. or make sure the owners are responsible for
> letting their tenants know what is expected of them. i know that this
> has been an issue for me in the past as there are renters above me. i
> was glad to see the inclusion of taking shoes off when in the units
>since it can get quite noisy at 2 am. :)
Joy, other than some minor editorial/clarification changes (typos,
grammar, and such), the rules that were passed we substantively identical
to what was distributed to the owners in hardcopy and on email. Here is
the final document:
There are also forms for various things, including complaints against
other residents, the dog registration forms (NOTE: If you haven't
registered your dog, here are the forms) and some other things worth
look at:
A password is required, so if you don't have one, let Chris or I know.
The main homepage is at:
Owners should have a copy of the rules, because they were distributed
prior to the meeting (and also announced on the list). About 75 percent
of the units are represented on the e-list, so everybody should be able
to access the rules. Owners who rent are responsible for informing
tenants of the rules, and should also inform renters that they should
be on the e-list (just send Chris or I an email)
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