Welcome to new Vanguard Residents!

Subject: Welcome to new Vanguard Residents!
From: Jim Thomas (jthomas@sun.soci.niu.edu)
Date: Mon Aug 06 2007 - 10:50:47 CDT

We have some new residents in the building and will have a few more
in coming weeks, so there are some new faces on the Listserv.

The board homepage is at:

You need a login id and password to access it, so send me private email.
There's lots of useful information, including a list of owners, the
bylaws, a history of the building, pix of loft parties, andother useful
items. Also, the rules that were passed last month and are now in effect
are also there:

You can also obtain archives of the discussion list if you want to know
what issues we've dealt with over the years, and minutes of Board

Jim / sec'y

        Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
           Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
              jthomas@math.niu.edu / http://www.jthomasniu.org

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