Subject: RE: Lost money (again)
Date: Mon Aug 06 2007 - 09:29:14 CDT
Thanks for the info on the rear elevator. I'll pass along the information
to Joe Lara our property manager. Please make sure you contact First
Properties at the 24 emergency hotline anytime the elevator is not
working. Our maintenance guy Teddy will be dispatched to reset the
elevator if necessary. If the problem is something beyond his ability he
will call the elevator service for a maintenance call.
Everyone... if you know of a problem, please report it ASAP.
Thanks again,
- Chris
Rick DiMaio <>
Sent by:
08/06/2007 12:19 AM
Please respond to
RE: Lost money (again)
Just to let you know the back elevator was not working Sunday evening. I
had to take my son's dog, who stays with me every other weekend, up the
front elevator.Rick Di M aio703.> Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 23:58:49 -0500>
From:> To:>
Subject: Lost money (again)> > > We think we've found who dropped the
money by the rear elevator with the> security cameras, but we don't know
who it is. It's a tall white male,> perhaps late 20s, who parks a black
suv or jeep in the underground lot. If> anybody knows who this might be,
have him contact:> > Marty> #609> (773) 617-3062> >
We don't want to post the picture, but if you park near somebody or> know
somebody who fits the description, have the person contact Marty -> he
has the money, a sizeable chunk by the standards of most of us. We'll>
also check the underground lot for the vehicle, but the sooner we can
find> the owner, the better.> > And, thanks to Marty for his efforts!!> >
Jim> > > >
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