Re: Vanguard Lofts - Project Update

Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Project Update
From: Kimberly Hatch (
Date: Sat Aug 25 2007 - 01:14:35 CDT

  Hi Chris,
  We've had rain before and the recent down pours brought the ugly problem back again. This is notice to he board and I'll contact the Property Mgt as well. Just a note of kudos to the board. The evacuations signs look great and the doggie bags area nice touch when you forget your on! Thanks for all you guys do. I know first hand it ain't an easy job. wrote:

This past weekend I installed the new Emergency Evacuation Plans in the
east and west elevator lobbies. Special thanks to Brian Stankos (condo
board member) for designing and printing the art work for this project.
The new plans look very nice and we (the condo association) are now in
compliance with Chicago Code.

During installation the frame for the Emergency Evacuation Plan on the 4th
floor east elevator lobby cracked. I have a new frame on order and it
will be installed as soon as it arrives. My apologies to the residents of
the 4th floor.

The new "Pet Waste Bag Dispenser" was installed this weekend next to the
rear double doors. The dispenser holds approximately 400 biodegradable
bags. We encourage residents to use the new bag dispenser as needed to
help keep our parkways clean.

This past weekend I was working on the 7th floor and noticed a roof leak
outside of unit #715. I have reported the leak to property management and
requested roofing contractors investigate the leak. We've had a lot of
rain over the past few days, and according to the weather forecast it is
looks like it will be raining most of this week. If you see a roof leak
on the 7th floor, please report it to property management and the condo
board immediately. Please do not ignore a roof leak. In order to protect
our investment, it is critical that we take care of these problems

Best regards,
- Chris

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