More storm warnings: Guest Parking!

Subject: More storm warnings: Guest Parking!
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Aug 21 2007 - 21:27:33 CDT

Sorry to bother you all with bummer-posts, but we need to make sure
that issues are clear:

A few cars were towed today from the visitors and the handicapped

1) Residents CANNOT use the guest parking as second parking spots.
These are for guests. A few residents just don't get it.

2) Guest parking is NOT for your friends (or guests) for dropping
their car and taking the El to O'Hare. Period. End of story.

3) There are spaces available to rent. Contact the condo Board if you want
to rent one:

We will put you in touch with the residents who want to rent one,
or with 1P (our condo association as a parking space or two).
((side note: the residents who are offering rentals have the far
better deal)

4) Sometimes, of course, owners might need a guest space for an
hour as they unload stuff, or for other reasons. Anything over
that risks towing, and overnight in guest slots by an owner
increased the risk. Please! COOPERATE!

5) Parking for guests for over 24 hours is permitted, BUT ONLY IF
you notify, and get permission from, First Properties and/or
the condo Board. Just contact:

No permission, after 24 hours the car gets towed.

6) Handicapped spot: No parking! On rare occasions, we
recognize that it might be necessary to have a service person
park there if the guest slots are full. Notify the condoboard
and we can work something out.

Bottom line: A handful of residents are abusing the parking spaces.
We've tried to be gentle with warnings, with attempts to find
owners before taking action, and with other non-punitive attempts.

Sorry for bothering the 95 percent of you who are responsible.
I'm just hoping the other five percent will take a hit off the
clue bong.

Jim / Sec'y

        Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
           Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University

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