Re: Parking Gates / Rurde Notes

Subject: Re: Parking Gates / Rurde Notes
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Wed Sep 05 2007 - 06:29:16 CDT

the note is still tapped to the door in the back
--- Jim Thomas <> wrote:

> > Does anyone know the planned status to fix the
> gates for the lot on the
> > North side of the building?
> A repair note was submitted over the weekend, and
> the gates should
> be fixed in a day or two.
> > In addition I think the individual who left the
> rude note needs to be
> > addressed by the board.
> If you can get a picture/jpg of such things and post
> them or send them to:
> We can look into it. I don't know if other Board
> members saw it (I missed
> it).
> There are have some "problem" cars, and some of
> these cars have been
> towed. The guest spots aren't for long-term guest
> parking with in/out
> privileges. The rules are clear, and 1P (and the
> Board) try to be
> cooperative: If a guest is parking for more than 24
> hours, they need to
> notify 1P or the Board and get permission. Guest
> spots aren't only
> for guests, but also for service people during the
> day. The Association
> (us) has two parking spaces, #s 106 and 107 that we
> can rent for
> long-term guests. I've rented one and found it very
> useful. And, no
> two risks.
> > seems the tenants accross the street are
> constantly disgarding
> > garbage along the east side of Throop. Can we
> bill them or enforce any kind
> > of regular clean up?
> We don't have much legal recourse other than to drop
> a note to the
> manager of the building. And, while it's not really
> our job, maybe we
> can start organizing a crew of volunteers for one or
> two weekends a
> month to pick up junk. This is an issue we can raise
> at the next
> Board meeting (Weds, Sept 19 at 7 pm in the storage
> room).
> Jim
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching
> Professor (emeritus)
> Department of Sociology, Northern
> Illinois University
> /

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