Re: Parking Gates / Rurde Notes

Subject: Re: Parking Gates / Rurde Notes
Date: Wed Sep 05 2007 - 09:15:26 CDT

I was not aware of a note. Is there any identification as to who wrote
the note? I'll be more than happy to personally stop by the unit and drop
off a copy of the Vanguard Lofts Rules and Regulations. I'll even walk
them through "Section H - Parking" and explain in great detail why they
got towed.

If the note is still attached to the door, please feel free to post it to
the bulletin board so it doesn't disappear. Or feel free to slide it
under my unit door (#301). If this individual wishes to address the Board
at the next meeting, we can schedule time for a private discussion.

The owner of the vehicle will remain on the Parking Violation Report
posted on the website. The document can be found at the following URL:

As always, we (the Board) encourage all home owners to register long term
guests, and report vehicles in violation of the parking rules and

Best regards,
- Chris

Robin Raffel <>
Sent by:
09/05/2007 06:29 AM
Please respond to


Re: Parking Gates / Rurde Notes

the note is still tapped to the door in the back
--- Jim Thomas <> wrote:

> > Does anyone know the planned status to fix the
> gates for the lot on the
> > North side of the building?
> A repair note was submitted over the weekend, and
> the gates should
> be fixed in a day or two.
> > In addition I think the individual who left the
> rude note needs to be
> > addressed by the board.
> If you can get a picture/jpg of such things and post
> them or send them to:
> We can look into it. I don't know if other Board
> members saw it (I missed
> it).
> There are have some "problem" cars, and some of
> these cars have been
> towed. The guest spots aren't for long-term guest
> parking with in/out
> privileges. The rules are clear, and 1P (and the
> Board) try to be
> cooperative: If a guest is parking for more than 24
> hours, they need to
> notify 1P or the Board and get permission. Guest
> spots aren't only
> for guests, but also for service people during the
> day. The Association
> (us) has two parking spaces, #s 106 and 107 that we
> can rent for
> long-term guests. I've rented one and found it very
> useful. And, no
> two risks.
> > seems the tenants accross the street are
> constantly disgarding
> > garbage along the east side of Throop. Can we
> bill them or enforce any kind
> > of regular clean up?
> We don't have much legal recourse other than to drop
> a note to the
> manager of the building. And, while it's not really
> our job, maybe we
> can start organizing a crew of volunteers for one or
> two weekends a
> month to pick up junk. This is an issue we can raise
> at the next
> Board meeting (Weds, Sept 19 at 7 pm in the storage
> room).
> Jim
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching
> Professor (emeritus)
> Department of Sociology, Northern
> Illinois University
> /

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