Re: Parking Gates / Rurde Notes

Subject: Re: Parking Gates / Rurde Notes
Date: Wed Sep 05 2007 - 09:28:16 CDT


I called in the electric security gates on Monday. Joe Lara at First
Properties has been notified. He will be working with the service techs
to get the gates functional this week.

FYI... anytime a gate is not functional, please call the 24 hrs emergency
line. The call will be dispatched to Teddy, the 24 hrs maintenance
personnel for Vanguard Lofts. If Teddy cannot resolve the issue, he will
file a report with Joe Lara at First Properties. Joe will then engage a
contractor to make the necessary repairs.

If the problem is critical, he will schedule a maintenance call
immediately. Many times this will cost the association extra money as the
maintenance companies charge double time on the weekends. If the problems
is considered noncritical and can wait until the normal work week, an
appointment will be made sometime Monday - Friday at the normal billing

Again, I stress... anytime something is not working properly please call
the 24 hrs emergency line, notify property management and the condo board.
 Create a paper trail so all everyone is aware of the problem. Too many
times problems go unreported because everyone assumes someone else will
report the problem.

Best regards,
- Chris

"Jason Wolf" <>
Sent by:
09/04/2007 10:50 PM
Please respond to


Parking Gates / Rurde Notes

Good evening.

Does anyone know the planned status to fix the gates for the lot on the
North side of the building?

In addition I think the individual who left the rude note needs to be
addressed by the board. In their letter they stated that their car has
towed once already. In addition the original letter seemed to point out
that it was not the first time this car has been an issue. In their rude
response they stated that they were a visitor for the summer and leaving
the end of Sept. I am not quite sure what they are thinking, but guest or

not they are breaking the rules and Jim has been quite clear that if the
rules are not followed those reposnsible would be held accountable.

Therefore I would appreciate it if the board would address the situation
the individual who is responsible for this temporary tenant. Please do
misinterperet the tone of this letter, but we are neighbors and we need to

be considerate of one another and if we do make a mistake and are called
it...that is okay, but take responsibility and move on.

Anyway...that is just my two cents.


Jason seems the tenants accross the street are constantly disgarding
garbage along the east side of Throop. Can we bill them or enforce any
of regular clean up?

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