Subject: RE: Parking Gates / Rurde Notes
From: Jason Wolf (
Date: Wed Sep 05 2007 - 11:54:30 CDT
Unfortunately I am not at work...and would be surprised if it is there when I get home.
The initials are RS...I want to say Roxanne (the rude letter), the initial one did not have a name or unit.
It is is there I will be happy to forward it to you.
> To:> CC:;> Subject: Re: Parking Gates / Rurde Notes> From:> Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 09:15:26 -0500> > I was not aware of a note. Is there any identification as to who wrote > the note? I'll be more than happy to personally stop by the unit and drop > off a copy of the Vanguard Lofts Rules and Regulations. I'll even walk > them through "Section H - Parking" and explain in great detail why they > got towed.> > If the note is still attached to the door, please feel free to post it to > the bulletin board so it doesn't disappear. Or feel free to slide it > under my unit door (#301). If this individual wishes to address the Board > at the next meeting, we can schedule time for a private discussion.> > The owner of the vehicle will remain on the Parking Violation Report > posted on the website. The document can be found at the following URL:> >
private/misc/vg_parkingViolationReport.pdf> > As always, we (the Board) encourage all home owners to register long term > guests, and report vehicles in violation of the parking rules and > regulations.> > Best regards,> - Chris> > > > > > Robin Raffel <> > Sent by:> 09/05/2007 06:29 AM> Please respond to>> > > To>> cc> > Subject> Re: Parking Gates / Rurde Notes> > > > > > > > the note is still tapped to the door in the back> --- Jim Thomas <> wrote:> > > > > > Does anyone know the planned status to fix the> > gates for the lot on the > > > North side of the building?> > > > A repair note was submitted over the weekend, and> > the gates should> > be fixed in a day or two.> > > > > In addition I think the individual who left the> > rude note needs to be > > > addressed by the board. > > > > If you can get a picture/jpg of such things and post> > them or send th
em to:> >> > We can look into it. I don't know if other Board> > members saw it (I missed> > it). > > > > There are have some "problem" cars, and some of> > these cars have been> > towed. The guest spots aren't for long-term guest> > parking with in/out> > privileges. The rules are clear, and 1P (and the> > Board) try to be> > cooperative: If a guest is parking for more than 24> > hours, they need to> > notify 1P or the Board and get permission. Guest> > spots aren't only> > for guests, but also for service people during the> > day. The Association> > (us) has two parking spaces, #s 106 and 107 that we> > can rent for> > long-term guests. I've rented one and found it very> > useful. And, no> > two risks.> > > > > seems the tenants accross the street are> > constantly disgarding > > > garbage along the east side of Throop. Can we> > bill them or enforce any kind > > > of regular clean up? > > > > We don't have much legal recourse other than to drop> > a note to the> > m
anager of the building. And, while it's not really> > our job, maybe we> > can start organizing a crew of volunteers for one or> > two weekends a> > month to pick up junk. This is an issue we can raise> > at the next> > Board meeting (Weds, Sept 19 at 7 pm in the storage> > room).> > > > Jim> > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> > Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching> > Professor (emeritus)> > Department of Sociology, Northern> > Illinois University> > /> >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> This communication is for informational purposes only. It is not> intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of> any financial instrument or as an official confirmation of any> transaction. All market prices, data and other information are not> warranted as to completeness or accuracy and are subject to change> without notice. Any comments or statements made herein do not> necessarily reflect those of JPMorgan Chase & Co., its
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