More information from Board meeting last week

Subject: More information from Board meeting last week
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Sep 24 2007 - 18:19:47 CDT

A few items covered in the last Board meeting to add to the list:

1) DOGS - Be sure that your dog is registered. Multiple dogs require
multiple registration. Contact First Properties or, if it's easier,
contact me and I'll send you the registration form that you can return
to 1P. We've been cutting a bit of slack, but starting next week, we
will begin enforcing the registration rule. It's not fair to those who
comply when others don't.

2) BIKE TAGS/SPACES IN STORAGE ROOM: The numbered tags are in, and in a
few weeks we'll put the tags on the bike racks. Only the bikes that
are registered and assigned a rack and number can be there. We'll send
out periodic email reminders along with a hard copy under people's door
to give people plenty of time to register the bikes. Those who've
registered their bikes back in the "Loretta days" should still have the
number and it should be on the bike. In mid-November, we'll have a
"Bike-moving" day and start moving the bikes to the assigned number.
We're not sure of the logistics on this yet. Bikes that aren't
registered will be removed/cut-down. BUT: We will give ample advance
notice, and we will do everything possible to make sure no bikes are
lost during the move. So, stay tuned.

3) GUEST (or resident) PARKING: The Association still has two spaces
(106 and 107 in remote lot). If you have a guest staying for a long
period (a week or more), or if you want to rent one of the spaces for
yourself, we voted to allow a month-by-month rental (instead of a year)
for $150. I did this for guests in August, and it worked great! No
worries!! Don't forget: guests who will be using the guest spaces
behind the building for more than 24 hours should contact the Board
(recommended, rather than 1P). Just send email to: or send me a private note.

I think there is still a space for rent on the ramp for $150 a month
as well.

Jim / Sec'y

         Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
            Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University

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