RE: rear elevator

Subject: RE: rear elevator
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Oct 02 2007 - 22:11:43 CDT

On Tue, 2 Oct 2007, Jason Wolf wrote:

> Chris,
> I have to share Dom's sentiment on this one. I also understand that the elevator has been and issue for a number of years. Maybe an option is to hold off on the deck repairs and make sure that the elevator is over hauled, then have the planking done? I am not sure if this is a possibility, but maybe just a thought. Also, Firemen typically don't like to have repeat calls, and eventually our association will be charged, so it seems we have a couple of issues.

Just a quick clarification: The balcony replacement costs will be paid for
by each owner, and won't come out of the Association funds. The
replacements will occur sometime in next, perhaps late spring, after we
review bids and prices. The Board will send a letter out around late
October with more details.

Elevator repairs come out of the Association reserves. While we all want
the elevators to work properly, we also want to be cautious in how we
spend money. The replacement of the motor in the front elevator a few
years ago cost over $50K as an example of how expensive it can be.

Chris Lattimer (Board president) is working aggressively with First
Properties to track down the problem. As of this afternoon, Chris

> I have received a message from Joe Lara at First Properties... he has
> scheduled a maintenance call with All-Types to repair the elevator.
> They will investigate the following:

> - call buttons (both front and rear elevators)
> - light curtain (front elevator)
> - rear elevator problems that cause it to lock up

Joe Lara, the 1P representative, will be presenting the Board with a
full detailed report of the problems and repairs needed. Once we have it,
we will move forward from there.

We will report back to the owners once we have the information.

Jim / Secretary

        Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
           Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University

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