Subject: USADISH and keeping track of your complaints
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Oct 13 2007 - 21:36:53 CDT
In the past month, there have been numerous complaints that USADISH
hasn't been responsive to Vanguard residents calls for service. This
has been an on-going problem for many years. While it might seem that
the Board is doing nothing, the opposite is the case. On one hand,
we are limited in what we can do because of the ten year contract that
was not written in our favor and expires in August, 2010. We're also
hampered because the service is provided to owners on an individual
basis, and not to the Association as an entity. However, as long-time
followers of the issue know, the Board has been working on possible
solutions, but none (so far) have met our expectations, and the
remaining options have been judged to be not in our interests.
The recent service problems have been complicated by a disruption of
USADISH's three-person staff. One has reportedly retired because of
health reasons; the primary technician has been gone on vacation and
was supposed to return this week; and the third has been hospitalized
and is recovering from a medical procedure. While we are sympathetic to
the health and other issues facing USADISH, the complaints of lack of
service increase
Given the recent problems, we are going to again explore more radical options,
but we need help! To pursue these options, we MUST document the service
problems. We can't just say that "residents are complaining." We need
information from owners, both good and bad.
The Board needs you to do the following:
When you call USADISH for service, whether to upgrade, deal with service
outages, or anything else, PLEASE DO THIS:
Send an email either to me ( or to the Board
( and tell us:
1) The time and date you called USADISH
2) The nature of the problem
3) Who you talked to
4) What was promised (ie, they would be there on thursday, October 16
between 10 and 12)
5) The resolution (or non-resolution) of the problem
Unless we can document problems, we are limited in our options. It's
therefore critical that the Board has documentation. USADISH hasn't been
on-premises for over a month, but this doesn't help us much without
knowing the extent of the service calls.
The Board will log the complaints and create a data file to help assess
our next steps.
Jim Thomas /sec'y / #501
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