Subject: Building Security - Roof Access
Date: Thu Nov 01 2007 - 09:52:25 CST
The only people that should be on the roof "late" at night will be Verizon
Wireless. Verizon has 24 hour access to their cell equipment. It is not
uncommon for them to do routine maintenance to the equipment late at
night. On occasion the elevator service technicians will also need to get
on the roof if there is a problem with one of the elevators. Everyone
else with access to the roof is restricted to day time hours.
If you hear activity on the roof, please let us know and we will cross
check the access control system logs.
Best regards,
- Chris
"Allison Prybylo" <>
Sent by:
11/01/2007 10:25 AM
Please respond to
RE: Attempted unauthorized entry into our apartment 10/30
I live on the 7th floor and hear people on the roof quite often. Is it
common for them to be working up there that late at night?
Subject: RE: Attempted unauthorized entry into our apartment 10/30
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 09:14:59 -0500
>We checked the Access Control System logs and the security video on the
>DVR... Verizon Wireless was on the roof (10/30/2007) from 10:45pm until
>12:40am. Your unit is directly under the walkway path to the Verizon
>Wireless equipment on the roof. The technician appeared to be moving a
>large amount of equipment. I would surmise there was a problem with the
>Verizon equipment on the roof.
>If you know of any other activity on the roof, please let us know.
>- Chris
>"Jeremy Butterfield" <>
>Sent by:
>10/31/2007 03:21 PM
>Please respond to
><>, <>
>RE: Attempted unauthorized entry into our apartment 10/30
>I had forgotten about this until now, but last night I heard footsteps on
>the roof twice--the latest being 1am. I know that electronic pad leading
>to the roof is closely monitored, but just in case there is a correlation
>I thought I should let mgmt know about it.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ""
><> on behalf of "Krista
>Margenau" <>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 7:42 PM
>To: ""
>Subject: Re: Attempted unauthorized entry into our
>apartment 10/30
>I moved out last Thursday. On Wednesday afternoon (around 2 or 3pm) my
>mother who was in town visiting was at my home alone. She heard someone
>come to my door (# 705) put a key in the door handle lock and try to
>enter. Luckily, they were not able to come in. I wrote this off as
>accidentally going to my door instead of their own. After reading Jason's
>email below, however, I am now concerned that an outside person may have
>keys to your building (including a fob obviously) and that they are
>possibly trying to find out which unit it belongs to.
>Just an fyi - I hope you are able to find out it was just a mistake on
>another tenant's part.
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Jason Wolf <>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 2:05:14 PM
>Subject: FW: Attempted unauthorized entry into our apartment 10/30
>From: wolfjas2@hotmail.comTo:
>vanguard-talk-bounce@venus.soci.niu.eduSubject: Attempted unauthorized
>entry into our apartment 10/30Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 13:48:33 -0500
>Good afternoon. Last night after going to sleep, someone awoke my
>girlfriend and I trying to enter our apartment. The incident happened
>about 11:25pm on 10/30. We awoke to the sound of the door being jarred
>loudly, the handle being jostled, and someone working the lock (dont know
>if it was a key or something else...not damage to lock was noticeable).
>Upon being awakened I approached the door. The sound had subsided by the
>time I got there, and we could hear the fire door leading to the elevator
>close (We are in 508 next to the door, so we can hear it close from
>our apartment.) Following the incident I did not attempt to follow the
>individual and do not know if they entered the stairs or elevator or
>they proceeded from there. In addition we did not contact the
>given we did not feel we were in immediate danger and hoping it was
>someone with the wrong unit. That being said, I would like the tapes
>reviewed from 11:00pm onward
> to see who had entered!
> during that time period and where they went upon entering (stairs,
>elevator, floor...etc) We are HOPING that it was a guest of someone in
>building who went to the wrong apt. or someone who had a few to many
>cocktails and was a just innocently disoriented and approached the wrong
>door (that stuff can happen), but just in case I wanted to contact you
>and the board to review the tapes and to see if anyone else had a similar
>incident. All the best, Jason and Nicole508
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