Vanguard E-mail list

Subject: Vanguard E-mail list
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Nov 05 2007 - 23:37:50 CST

We have a number of new people in the building, so a welcome to those
who might be receiving e-mail from the Association e-mail list for the
first time.

First Properties pulled together all the emails from residents and I
added about two dozen to the list today. It's supposed to be "current,"
but some could be a bit dated.

If you're on the list by mistake, or if you want off the list, send
me private email and I'll remove you. Please send removal requests
to me in private email.

If you're getting this email for the first time, it's usually a fairly
low-volume list. The intent is to allow owners and renters a forum
to raise questions, express concerns, or bring items to the Board's

The Board tried to be as open and democratic as possible, so we
encourage people to express concerns and, hopefully, offer constructive
solutions and suggestions. We use the list for important announcements
that can't always be sent out in letters or hard copies under the doors.

If you want to post to the list, send it to:

    Vanguard Lofts Listserv <>

If you have a private comment for the Board only, send it to:

The Association homepage is at:
(NOTE: You need a login ID and password to get to the private section,
so send me a note ((in private email)) and I'll send you one.

If you just want to vent to somebody, you can send private email to
Chris Lattimer, the Board president, at:
              Christian A. Lattimer <>

Or to me (Board sec'y):
      Jim Thomas <>

Don't forget the next Board meeting Next Wednesday (Nov 14) at 7 pm
in the storage room. Bring chairs. We'll be voting on the budget for
next year, electing two officers, and discussing various agenda items.

Jim / #501

         Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
            Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University

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