Subject: Re: Consistent Broken Elevator
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Nov 05 2007 - 22:52:10 CST
> But rather than pressuring them...why don't we refuse payment of lack of
> service. If we are paying of service...a band aid should not be accepted.
> Whomever is managing the servicing and annual / bi-annual maintenance should
> have a service record. If the same problem is occuring, and it could be
> fixed, then they need to be held accountable if they are not diagnosing the
> problem. If a long term solution is an overhaul, then we should see what we
> can do to schedule that for the 2009 budget.
Your points are well-taken, Jason. Legally, we can't withhold payment
unless it can be shown that the elevator repair folk are negligent,
incompetent, or demonstrably screwing up. There's no evidence that this
is the case. Sometimes, even the best magic can't always cure the patient.
A major elevator upgrade is an option, and we can consider it when we look
at next year's budget. But, we have some major expenses coming up in the
next few years that are part of routine building maintenance planned
over the years, and one concern is to try to avoid an unplanned major
expense at this time.
This doesn't mean that we're ignoring the issue. We continue to examine
options. We'll raise the issue again at the meeting next week.
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