RE: Consistent Broken Elevator

Subject: RE: Consistent Broken Elevator
From: Jason Wolf (
Date: Tue Nov 06 2007 - 09:04:13 CST

While I am one who always appreciates honesty and encourages everyone to express themselves, I don't think it is fair to say that Jim or the board is harassing anyone.
Considering you have your opinion you do have a right to voice it, but if you don't wish to recieve the emails I would also recommend contacting First Properties, and simply deleting them.

> Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 05:11:53 -0800> From:> Subject: Re: Consistent Broken Elevator> To:> > > This is clearly a safety hazard and some residents> have addressed this issue. The Fire Department will> continue to get called if residents continue to get> stuck in the elevator. Thus a charge to the building> will be next. > > Dog owners should use the front elevator until The> Board can ensure the safety of the elevator. A> resident should NOT have to bounce on the elevator.> > I'm sure we will hear about the rules and get some> quote with the patent signature "Jim/Brd Secty". We> all get it. May be that is why people are selling or > because Jim continues to harass residents for doing> everything wrong. Many residents feel this way and> I'm expressing it. Especially dog owners. Let me> guess the dog broke the elevator. > > On behalf of the dogs "Bite Me".> > I have asked time and time AGAIN to take me off this> email list. We moved and I can see nothing
has> changed except excuses from The Board especially JIM. > > > --- Jim Thomas <> wrote:> > > > > The elevator is an on-going problem, and we all> > share the frustration.> > The best we can do for the time-being is to continue> > to try to pressure> > the elevator repair people to fix it properly. They> > were out about> > two weeks ago, and we'll get them out again. When> > you notice anything> > such as a parking gate, broken door, or broken> > elevator, be sure to> > call First Properties at:> > 312.829.8900 > > and report it. It's much faster than going to the> > Board first - we have> > to see the emails and then we do the same thing.> > > > The elevator light went out a few weeks ago because> > of damage caused by> > people moving out. It was fixed immediately the> > following Monday.> > > > Ed's suggestion to attend Board meetings wasn't> > suggesting that people> > had to come to meetings to voice frustration. It was> > just a reminder that> > everybody is encouraged to come
 and provide input,> > whether good or bad,> > and hear the discussions of the issues. We can't put> > full discussions in> > the minutes, so sometimes f2f provides more> > information.> > > > The Board actively tries to maintain and improve> > conditions around the> > building. If there are any issues or items that> > people feel are talked> > about with no action or decisions taken, please> > share them. If somebody> > could give us an example of something talked about> > but nothing done, share> > it and we can try to address it at the next meeting.> > We are open to> > placing issues of concern on the agenda.> > > > Jim> > > > =============> > > > On Mon, 5 Nov 2007, Robin Raffel wrote:> > > > > > > > I agree with allisons frustration about the> > elevator> > > especially being a dog owner. It is really> > annoying. I> > > have written here about the back elevator and> > nobody> > > had responded. I have left first property> > messages> > > about it too that have not been responded to> > either. A> > > j
ump is not the solution. We pay a lot of money> > in> > > assessments and things should be fixed properly.> > We> > > should also not have to come to board meetings to> > get> > > things done here. Some of us have commitments at> > night> > > that dont afford us the opportunity to attend the> > > meetings. this is our way of venting here on the> > > email.> > > so many things have been taken care of around the> > > building due to this email but a lot of things are> > > just talked about and not done.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________> Do You Yahoo!?> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > >
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