Re: meetings -meeting needs?

Subject: Re: meetings -meeting needs?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Nov 06 2007 - 11:51:16 CST

On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, jonathan sweeney wrote:

> The suggestion to come to a board meeting and explain and/or vent a problem is one way of communicating the needs its members. I was at the June meeting and expressed a congestion problem with the bikes etc and the need for labels above each hook. I was told it was already being looked into and new hooks will be installed asap. We are still waiting. This unusual amount of time to get estimates and have simple unit number plates installed does not give one a great deal of confidence in this process.

You're right about the time frame, Jonathan. Chris explained our hope
to get volunteers involved. We sent out a post last month indicating
that we'd try to get the tags up by November. Another problem we haven't
quite figured out how to resolve: How to make a smooth, seamless
move of bikes to their proper spots. It's better to have people
move their own bikes rather than have them moved for them. It could
be chaos.

We also need to be sure that everybody with a bike also has a tag
corresponding to their space. If we can get some volunteers, we can
have it done within about six weeks.


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