Vanguard list now moderated

Subject: Vanguard list now moderated
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Nov 07 2007 - 16:35:15 CST

Yesterday, the Board agreed that, at least temporarily, the Association's
email list should be moderated. This means that the list moderator
will repost all legitimate emails, but that unproductive diatribes,
especially from non-owners or tenants, will be reviewed by the Board.
This is not an attempt to restrict speech, put to preserve a bit of
civility and relevance and reduce unproductive flames. The poster
of any post not sent after Board review would be notified.

A second reason to at least temporarily moderate posts: In the past
week, since about last Thursday, the list has been hit with a massive
spam attack. None made it to the list as far as I know, but at least
one came from a spoofed email from a legitimate subscriber. I "blackholed"
the spam before snagging the address. Spam filters are set, but a bit low.
The danger with spam filters is the risk of false-positives.

Moderation will be an agenda item for the next Board meeting. If you
have any thoughts pro or con, send them to:



        Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
           Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University

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