Subject: Re: Backup power and garage door/gate
Date: Tue Nov 20 2007 - 12:28:18 CST
The access control system is on battery backup power. It has been tested
and works as specified. The current problem is with the control module
that operates the electric strike lock system. When the access control
system was purchased, we (the board) requested that the entire system be
placed on battery backup power in the event of a power failure. For some
reason there is currently no battery backup power for the electric strike
locks. The power supply control board for the electric strike locks is
equipped to use a battery for backup power, but for whatever reason a
battery was never installed. This could be due to the fact that the power
supply for the electric strike locks was an original system installed with
the intercom system when the building was developed. Thus no battery
backup was ever installed.
I'm meeting with Initial Electronics tomorrow morning to discuss the
problem. It could have been a miscommunication or an oversight during the
installation of the system. I assure everyone, the problem will be
resolved as soon as possible and the system will work flawlessly.
I hold myself personally responsible for the access control system not
working as originally advertised. I was unaware that the battery for the
electric strike lock system was missing. Please direct all your anger an
animosity at me, not the other board members, as I was the technical lead
on this project.
Physical keys are no longer used to gain access to the facility for
security reasons. When a physical key is used to open a door it does not
register with the access control system as a valid entry, but instead
registers as a door that has been forced open or compromised. If physical
keys were given to all residents and guests it would render the access
control system useless due to the constant stream of false alarms.
Since the installation of the access control system we have had two power
failures where residents have been locked out of the building. In each
case the power failure has not lasted for more than two hours. Property
Management and the Board of Directors were notified of each power outage
and there was someone to respond to the calls in under an hour for each
incident. The board members do have keys to the facility in the event of
an emergency.
Please also keep in mind the benefits that we have gained with the
implementation of the access security system. Property Management and the
Board Members get daily notifications of activity and problems at the
building. We have first hand knowledge and can react to situations that
previously went undetected and overlooked.
The board has started to do research on a backup power generator for the
building so we can run all the different electrical devices at the
facility. But please keep in mind, everything comes with a price. If we
want all systems to work during a power failure (e.g. elevators, garage
doors, electric gates, water pumps, intercom system, lighting, etc.) it
costs money... and the money comes from the assessments. We all have to
ask ourselves how much we are willing to pay for small inconveniences that
do occur periodically.
In regards to contacting the board members, I am in the process of putting
together an emergency contact list. If for some reason you cannot reach
the Property Management Company, you can contact a board member. I
strongly suggest that everyone with an analog phone line have an analog
phone that requires no external power source so you can contact the
appropriate parties in the time of a power failure.
Again, I sincerely apologies for the problems that have occurred. I
assure everyone that the problem will be solved.
- Chris
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