Subject: Re: Backup power and garage door/gate
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Nov 20 2007 - 23:21:13 CST
Just a picky point in the interests of accuracy, Chris wrote:
> I hold myself personally responsible for the access control system not
> working as originally advertised. I was unaware that the battery for the
> electric strike lock system was missing. Please direct all your anger an
> animosity at me, not the other board members, as I was the technical lead
> on this project.
The current Board is a collective. We share respsonsibility, and the
entire Board has the obligation to periodically provide checks on
things. If there is anger or animosity to be directed, the target should
be the collective, not just one person on it.
When providers of services give assurances that their service is
functional, and when there's not always an easy way to proactively
test prior to a problem, we can react only after the problem occurs.
In the case of the power outage, there are several solutions. Some
are stop-gap (new backup battery system), others long-term and perhaps
not viable (backup power generator). The Board must weight the "costs"
of inconvenience for relatively rare events with the costs of a more
ambitious and expensive solution.
Either way, comments--both productive and venting--can be directed to
the entire board at:
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