Re: Window Coverings...Any Suggestions?

Subject: Re: Window Coverings...Any Suggestions?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Nov 26 2007 - 15:19:09 CST

If you're looking for material to insulate the windows, any good hardware
store or Lowes or Home Depot will have various sizes and grades of plastic
or film ranging from inexpensive to about $30 or more. It usually comes
with tape.

We don't cover the sliding glass doors, but use weather stripping around
a couple of the windows.


> We are looking for some window coverings that would fit over our sliding glass door and the windows above.
> Looking up from the parking lot it looks like some folks have had some good ideas.
> Is anyone willing to share where they were able to find what they have, and possibly be willing to let us come over and take a look?
> Thanks..any help is appreciated.
> Jason Wolf
> 508
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        Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
           Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University

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