Re: East (rear) Service Elevator

Subject: Re: East (rear) Service Elevator
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Thu Nov 29 2007 - 12:10:16 CST

I was actually just in the elevator the repair guy and
he said he had no idea what he was fixing and that
joseph wouldnt answer the phone or return his calls. i
told him the main problem was that it gets stuck on
the first floor and needs a jump start.
hope that helps.

--- wrote:

> FYI... the following is from property management on
> 11/29/2007 11:34am
> CST:
> "All-Types has scheduled a technician to be out on
> property for 2 hours
> today to start a full diagnostic and mechanical
> review. Tom will call me
> at the end of the day with a report. I contacted
> Professional Elevator
> Services, Ken Masson. He will try to have someone
> out either Friday or
> Monday to review the elevator issues. The original
> telephone number
> supplied to me was a fax number."
> We hope to have the elevator problems resolved soon.
> Please continue to
> report all problems. Thank you for your patience.
> Best regards,
> - Chris
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