RE: East (rear) Service Elevator

Subject: RE: East (rear) Service Elevator
From: Kelly Cacioppo (
Date: Thu Nov 29 2007 - 12:15:33 CST

Maybe an issue bigger than the back elevator is First Properties... Don't we pay them something like $25k a year to take care of these issues seemlessly - I've put in numerous phone calls and not gotten a call back - sounds like many others are having the same response...maybe another mgmt company would be excited to get our business and do a better job
> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:10:16 -0800> From:> Subject: Re: East (rear) Service Elevator> To:> > > I was actually just in the elevator the repair guy and> he said he had no idea what he was fixing and that> joseph wouldnt answer the phone or return his calls. i> told him the main problem was that it gets stuck on> the first floor and needs a jump start.> hope that helps.> > robin> --- wrote:> > > FYI... the following is from property management on> > 11/29/2007 11:34am > > CST:> > > > "All-Types has scheduled a technician to be out on> > property for 2 hours > > today to start a full diagnostic and mechanical> > review. Tom will call me > > at the end of the day with a report. I contacted> > Professional Elevator > > Services, Ken Masson. He will try to have someone> > out either Friday or > > Monday to review the elevator issues. The original> > telephone number > > supplied to me was a fax number."> > > > We hope to h
ave the elevator problems resolved soon.> > Please continue to > > report all problems. Thank you for your patience.> > > > Best regards,> > - Chris> > > > -----------------------------------------> > This communication is for informational purposes> > only. It is not> > intended as an offer or solicitation for the> > purchase or sale of> > any financial instrument or as an official> > confirmation of any> > transaction. All market prices, data and other> > information are not> > warranted as to completeness or accuracy and are> > subject to change> > without notice. Any comments or statements made> > herein do not> > necessarily reflect those of JPMorgan Chase & Co.,> > its subsidiaries> > and affiliates.> > > > This transmission may contain information that is> > privileged,> > confidential, legally privileged, and/or exempt from> > disclosure> > under applicable law. If you are not the intended> > recipient, you> > are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying,> > distribution, or> > use of the informa
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