Subject: RE: East (rear) Service Elevator
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Fri Nov 30 2007 - 06:48:15 CST
thank you kelly since i am assuming i am the tennant
that they are talking about since i was in the
elevator with him. he was very nice and gentemenaly.
he was just very frustrated with joesph.
--- Kelly Cacioppo <> wrote:
> Can someone please let All Types know that NOTHING
> was wrong with the gentleman repairing the elevator
> - he was trying to do his job and just because First
> Properties wasn't communicating with him does not
> mean that tenants here were "not pleased with him or
> his performance." I feel terrible that this
> gentleman was reprimanded for telling the truth -
> that he didn't know what to fix - how is that his
> fault? > To:>
> Subject: RE: East (rear) Service Elevator> From:
>> Date: Thu, 29 Nov
> 2007 16:02:26 -0600> > FYI... this was just received
> from All Types in regards to the rear > elevator:> >
> Dear Joe,> > This is in regards to the building
> located at 1250 VanBuren and the > freight elevator.
> It has come to our attention that the elevator has >
> intermittently not been functioning optimally.
> Myself and one of our > technicians have checked the
> elevator today at approximately 1:30PM and > have
> found that the elevator w!
> as running upon arrival to the building. > During
> our visit, it was found that the 1st floor interlock
> was failing > intermittently. We are currently in
> the process of obtaining a new > interlock for the
> 1st floor and will return later today to install it
> at > the building. We are hopeful that this should
> correct any problems you > are having. Please
> monitor the situation and notify our office >
> immediately if any further problems occur. We would
> like to correct any > issues you may have as
> customer service is our number one priority and >
> communication between the building and All Types
> Elevators, Inc. regarding > any issues is of utmost
> importance. We would also like to let you know >
> that I am aware that some building occupants were
> not pleased with one of > our technicians at the job
> site and his performance. Thank you for > notifying
> me of this and you can be assured that we have taken
> measures to > send different personnel to your
> building. Please call with any > ques!
> tions.> > All Types Elevators, Inc.> > >
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