Subject: Re: East (rear) Service Elevator
From: Matthew Loeffe (
Date: Sun Dec 02 2007 - 12:14:44 CST
Obviously, your refering to me and the special assement was $11,000 per unit! If there were 5 units in the building, $50,000 to fix the elevator makes sense!
Once again the building and mangement are making excuses!!
Any false allegations or engaging in needlessly acriminious posts is because I'm sick and tired of ignorant people like your self, who haven't been around from the begining!!
Fix the issues and you won't hear from me again!
And did you the fax from my contractor?
Best Regards,
Matthew T. Loeffel
Loeffel Steel Products, INC
708.849.8008 Fax
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Thomas <>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 00:01:42
To:Vanguard Lofts Listserv <>
Subject: RE: East (rear) Service Elevator
A reminder: The right to receive Association announcements via the
listserv does not confer the right to make false allegations or engage
in needlessly acriminious posts. Passionate criticism is one thing.
Dangerous rumors and unprovoked flames are another.
Bryan, the treasurer, as already explained that our budget is healthy.
We are preparing an FAQ to answer questions about assessments, and we
hope to have this up in a week. The annual budget comes out every year
and is sent to owners. Line item expenditures are listed, including the
amount in reserves. Future projects, such as replacing the balconies
this spring and budgeting to replace the roof down the road are
discussed in open meetings and summarized in meeting minutes for those
who can't make meetings.
In the interests of accuracy:
> If I remember correctly, we had a $11,000 "special assessment" 2 or 3 years
> to fix the elevators!!!
The special assessment for the elevator in 2004 was for about $50,000,
as I recall. It was not for the rear elevator. The motor on the front
elevator gave out. The information on this is at:
(remember: You need a login id and pw to access it - just send me a
private email to get one)
RE USADISH: We all agree this is a serious problem. The 10 year contract
is legally binding. The Board continues to pursue options. Legal counsel
advises us that the recent FCC decision applies primarily to cable
service providers, not satellite providers. This means that if we had
an exclusionary contract with a cable provider, we could break it. It
is less clear that an exlusionary provision with a satellite provider
can be circumvented.
> It's not their fault, it's the
> associations. They keep saying we can't get out of the contract, but are
> they even trying. It doesn't take genius to figure this one out.
The Board is exploring options. The bottom line: To break a legally
binding contract, even a bad one, risks costing the Association money
in litigation and leaving us without broadband service.
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