Subject: Re: East (rear) Service Elevator
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sun Dec 02 2007 - 16:15:36 CST
Matt, you're being put on temporary restriction for two weeks, until you
can demonstrate some civility and engage in rationale dialog. You can
continue to access posts on the homepage at:
by clicking on the newsgroup icon.
Any issues with me, you can take up in private email.
You continue to labor under some strange assumptions that need clarifying
lest your disinformation confuse others:
1) I don't hide behind email or anything else. As secretary of the
Board, it's my job to disseminate information. I'm also the list manager
of this list and run it from servers that I maintain. Hence my frequent
posts about Board doings and list management.
2) Yes, I go to Board meetings. That is, after all, what Board members
do. If you can't attend the meetings, then read the minutes and other
information we post.
3) Your comments about "calling you back" are a bit frightening, because
you have never called me or emailed me. I have never met you, and I've
never had any communication with you. In short, I know nothing about you
other than through your public posts. Those owners who do contact me in
email about issues or concerns would (hopefully) indicate that I respond
quickly and, with any luck, helpfully. If not, I'm open to productive
4) The irony of you calling others an "ignorant, unknowable (sic) piece
of shit" aside, you appear to have me confused with somebody else.
Nice rant, wrong target.
On Sun, 2 Dec 2007, Matthew Loeffel wrote:
> ** not trying to offend any unit owners, just sick and tired ***
> Jim,
> I own a company and have had deal with a lot different types of
> people! And none of them have ever truely disrespected me! You crossed
> a fine line; I wouldn't be ever emailing anything, but no one calls me
> back! Your big man through email so I have a few things to say as
> well!
> Get fucked, do your job! Hide behind your computer and Voicemail like
>you have been! And when you call people back know what the FUCK your
>talking about! You might be, no you are, the ignorant, unknowable,
>piece of shit I've come across!
> Best Regards,
> Matthew T. Loeffel
> Sales/Marketing
> Loeffel Steel Products, INC
> 847.382.6770
> 708.849.8008 Fax
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Thomas <>
> Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 13:20:20
> To:Vanguard Lofts Listserv <>
> Subject: Re: East (rear) Service Elevator
> Misinformation and repeat unjustified accusations that spread false
> information are inappropriate for this listd, especially when
> attempts to provide accurate information are ignored.
>> Obviously, your refering to me and the special assement was $11,000
>> per unit! If there were 5 units in the building, $50,000 to fix the
>> elevator makes sense!
> There are 90 units on floors 2 to 7. There are 10 units on the first
> floor. That's 100 units, each of which pay special assessments based on
> the percentage of ownership in the building, which ranges from .68
> percent to 1.496 percent. Ownership percentage is based on the original
> purchase value of the unit established around 1998. On a $50K
> assessment, the range would be between $340 and $748.
>> Once again the building and mangement are making excuses!!
> Attempts to clarify demonstrably false information, including
> providing information that has been circulated (such as budget reports,
> meetings' minutes, listserv discussions, and is also available on the
> homepage, is not normally considered "making an excuse." Providing
> information on the status of projects and attempts to correct problems
> and keeping owners informed of what's going on behind the scenes might
> be seen as making excuses, but the Board is trying to be fully
> transparent. We continue to be open to input. While we can't act on
> all of it, those who've provided input know that, at least, we take
> it seriously and do out best to resolve complex situations.
>> Any false allegations or engaging in needlessly acriminious posts is
>> because I'm sick and tired of ignorant people like your self, who
>> haven't been around from the begining!!
> 1) There is never any justification for deliberate false allegations
> or malicious accusations. I'm always willing to acknowledge ignorance, but
> I find that accurate information helps dispel ignorance. As one of those
> who purchased a unit in Vanguard in early 1998 and moved in July, 1999,
> I have a fair sense of the building's history.
>> Fix the issues and you won't hear from me again!
> We're always willing to hear from people with legitimate concerns,
> and we're willing to accept legitimate and repeated criticism, even when
> passionate. Repeated falsehoods and off-the-wall ad hominem attacks fall
> under neither category. Reading the minutes of minutes on line on the
> Vanguard homepage can fill in gaps and also provide a sense of what
> issues have been, are being, and will be addressed and how.
>> And did you the fax from my contractor?
> No. But, issues on which you request Board action should be brought
> before the board, including questions of remodeling that involve a
> contractor, you should bring these before the Board. You can contact
> us at:
> Also be aware that any work done that affects common elements or
> limited common elements must be brought before the Board, and includes
> a project proposal, approval by the Board, and a deposit.
> Hope this helps clarify some concerns.
> Jim
Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University /
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