Subject: Vanguard Lofts - Website Updates
Date: Fri Dec 07 2007 - 14:05:56 CST
There are a few updates to the website. New documents have been posted
about "winter reminders" and "snow removal". These documents can be found
at the following URLs:
The board has posted a list of emergency contacts. If for some reason you
have problems contacting the property management company or emergency
hotline, please contact the board of directors to report the emergency.
Please keep in mind, these numbers are for emergency use only.
To help facilitate remote monitoring of the building, I have added several
new security webcam views. You can now select from a quad view or grid
view to monitor multiple cameras at one time. The webpages are setup to
refresh every 30 seconds, so there is no need to use the refresh button in
the browser.
Best regards,
- Chris
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