Re: Rodding work Dec 21

Subject: Re: Rodding work Dec 21
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Dec 19 2007 - 22:35:00 CST

I was told that I didn't answer the question - Yes, it means that
people in the *09, *13, and *15 units above the equivalent
first floor units (eg, 715, 615, etc) CANNOT put water in the drain.
If they do, the waste water won't make it out of the building.

This procedure is scheduled annually. The drain/sewage cleanout line
for the building is located in some first floor units, and the routine
rooting maintains the integrity of the drains for the building, which
protects us all.


On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Jim Thomas wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, rodseven wrote:
>> Please clarify. When you say all units above 115 cannot use
>> sinks/toilet, do you mean directly above (215) or all floors above
> (215/315/415 etc.). Thanks.
> Right. Between 10 a.m to 5 p.m., people in those units should NOT
> put any water into the system (toilets, showers, etc). Workers will
> have to open the lines to root out the drain(s), so anything coming
> down from above will fall into.....well, you get the idea.
> Jim

         Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
            Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University

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