Subject: Re: Dogs (Please help us keep the building and surrounding areas nice)
From: edward kurek (
Date: Thu Mar 13 2008 - 15:45:01 CST
Jay i agree with you about our neighbors may not be picking up after
their dogs. A letter from the association should be sent to their
board explaining the problem and to set up a meeting to discus the
situation and have them post a letter to their owners.
On Mar 7, 2008, at 2:37 PM, Dom Shurba wrote:
> Jay
> Lets identify the pieces of crap, pun intended, who feel they can
> leave poop all over the parkway. Blanket warnings are not going to
> solve anything. If it is from this building, then it is the work of
> very small group if not one person. We went through the same thing
> when we kept hearing about people using the front door. I think the
> video showed it was one maybe two people. I believe they were
> confronted, and I haven't heard about that since. Also, a lot more
> dogs are coming through here from the 1224 building since they have
> no grass of their own. I would think that it would be easy to
> identify a dog from there and confront them as well.
> And another thing.....Do the people who don't like to step in poo on
> their way out the door enjoy stepping in rotting garbage and broken
> glass? The garbage truck leaves a large pile EVERY single time it
> comes. I am sick and tired of walking myself and my dog across the
> debris field. Sharp broken glass and lots of rotten food is
> disgusting and unhealthy. Either there is something wrong with
> their trucks or our dumpsters. I make an effort to sweep it up when
> I can as does the janitor type guy, but it seems unnecessary.
> Dom -612 - dog owner
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:26:52 -0600
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Dogs (Please help us keep the building and surrounding
>> areas nice)
>> CC:
>> Good afternoon.
>> Everyone please observe a level of courtesy toward your neighbors
>> with
>> regard to your dogs. Several times over the past few weeks I have
>> observed
>> several individuals letting their dogs urniate inside the gated
>> areas near
>> the building. As a dog owner I understand that they often have
>> minds of
>> their own but with some training and discipline you can break them
>> of this.
>> That being said I also took the liberty of picking up someones dog
>> feces
>> which was right in the middle of the walkway this morning. Please
>> remember
>> your dog is your responsibilty so please clean up after it. No one
>> should
>> have to step over poo to go to work.
>> Lastly, please be sure to pick up after your dog outside. I know
>> the past
>> couple of months have been cold and we all have wanted to get back in
>> quickly, but the Throop grassy area is a virtual mine field from
>> those who
>> have not cleaned up.
>> Please be courteous and responsible, because I dont want to us as
>> the board
>> to be put in a position where we will have to begin extending fines
>> for
>> something this trivial...besides its OUR home so lets keep it a
>> nice and
>> inviting place to live.
>> Jay
>> 508
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